Monday, September 22, 2008

Chapter three reflection

I thought putting into text was interesting way to see needs analysis and different procedures to conduct needs analysis was interesting. Seems to me we have been doing a lot of informal negotiations with the stakeholders: teachers, students, parents, community members, and academic specialists when administering the needs analysis. But I may have not noticed other ways. Also samples of student work, assessment data on student performance, reports by teachers encountered by students, and other examples are also parts I have seen here at the district level. They might have done other ways but I think I have not been too observable. As I was reading the chapter I was thinking how much we utilize the examples here and trying to make the best for every stakeholder.
But whenever someone in the curriculum seeks to see what works in classroom. Teachers, students, specialists, parents, school board, and community are informed and check for validity of the texts and etc. Plus the new text or idea is also piloted and then either adjusted or changed or thrown off for another one. I guess what I am saying is they are tested to see for the validity and reliability of using the text or program. I hope I am making sense here!

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