Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Chapter 6 reflection

I thought chapter 6 talked about interesting labels for various types of curriculum development. I never use to think of curriculum as various types. Now I see that they had names for various reasons. After reading the chapter I thought about the curriculum for various subjects how they fit into some of the categories listed. I have noticed that most of the curriculum I have seen are integrated some are one kind than others. It various from curriculum to curriculum I guess whoever developed them had various reasons for various ones I guess. Come to think of it with the language change and shift now in the villages there has to be change all across the Yup'ik curriculum to fit the needs of students. Even Yup'ik proficiency test needs to be changed. I heard it was developed over 20-30 years and over those years our language has changed and it needs revision. I know some of items are not relevant of what we do now and some are.

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